About Us

Comparative Education Society of Nepal (CESON), established in 2013, is a non-profit making and non-governmental professional organization, dedicated to social transformation through research, learning and development.

CESON focuses on the development of comparative perspective in education with the aim ofcontributing for knowledge building as well as for social transformation. As Education and Social development are interrelated and interconnected for the transformation of society, the organization was established aiming to exchange the knowledge of national and international scholars assuming that the exchange of knowledge can help and assist society for its betterment. The organization is dedicated to understand educational issues, trends and policies through comparative and international perspectives.

CESON activities include research and publication, program development and implementation, organizing seminars and conferences, etc. CESON intends to develop itself a forum for debate and discussion on issues of education, development and social transformation and contribute to knowledge building process.

The members of organization include researchers, analysts, practitioners and students with expertise and interest in learning, education and development, early childhood development, technical and vocational education, social transformation, gender, ethnicity, language and socio-demographic status and so on.